ROQUETA champions the eternal appeal of the Artisans and the smaller privately owned shops. In our April/May issue I wrote about how vital the smaller traders are both to the local economy and the general vitality of the shopping experience on the Island. As promised I will continue to report on this rich tapestry of… Read More
The Union Flag Rises Over Menorca – Part I
The Story of the British Involvement on Menorca Following the disastrous attack on Mahón in 1535 by the infamous Barbarossa, (Red Beard the Pirate), it was decreed by the Spanish King Charles 1 that a small fort be built at the entrance of the harbour to defend it from further attacks. It took the best… Read More
Summer Luncheon Spots – June 2016
MOLI DES RACO, ES MERCADAL. 971 37 53 92 Established in 1982, and located in the centre of the island, the restaurant is very easy to find, as it is located beside a huge windmill on the main road between Mahon and Ciutadella. It opens all year round and, certainly at lunchtime when we visited,… Read More
Our second “Top Ten”
In the April / May ROQUETA, we introduced a new feature called: Looking for Adventure? We picked out the first “Top 10” places that you, as a visitor, may not know about. The article is intended to broaden the appeal of the whole Island, and to provide suggestions when some of your party are wanting… Read More